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1 February 2025: New models from GeminiJets can be preordered, e.g. Edelweiss A340-300 in 1:200. Arrived in store: NG models with 82 different models

27 January 2025: New models from Hobby Master, Phoenix and GeminiJets arrived in store

12 January 2025: New NG Models available for pre-order | Embraer E190-E2 Helvetic Airways from GeminiJets in 1:400 & 1:200 available for pre-order

9 January 2025: March '25 Phoenix models available for pre-order

6 January 2025: Hobby Master models, April '25 release available for pre-order


Welcome to our webshop
Here you can register your order online 24/7!
We offer worldwide shipping for our international customers or if you're in Switzerland, you can visit our shop in Oberglatt, close to Zurich Airport. In the store you can take a look at our wide range of models. Our sales team is always happy to assist and share advice.
On the shop page you can see the latest additions to the shop.  The entire range of models can be found via the the quick search function or a specific category search.
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